Yo Mariana

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A Photography of my Life

Photography is a very important part of my life and I discovered it right after the birth of my first daughter as I had the desire to capture every single moment of her life. With time I got more and more interested in finding out how to take better pictures and to really learn all the functions a camera has to offer, but unfortunately I had a lot of curiosity but very little time since I had small kids at home.

A couple of years ago, my three kids started going to school and at last I had the time to retake photography. I’m really happy to finally find something that I want to do for the rest of my life; take pictures, design and find my voice through writings that let me share the things I like.

I think that people who discover their real passion and what they want to do for the rest of their lives when they are 18, are really fortunate. For me it was exactly the opposite, I studied Business Administration simply because I didn’t have a clear idea of what I really liked. Yo Mariana think that we shouldn’t regret the decisions we make in life, because they are life lessons without which life wouldn’t make sense at all and they are tools we can use later in life. The career I chose, gave me a lot of satisfactions and a great job for eight years, nonetheless it felt exactly like that, like work and like a responsibility I had to do.

A person that I love and admire greatly, for years has constantly told me that in his 93 years, he has never worked in his life and until today, I really didn’t understood him. Professionally he is a very successful person but also personally. He has a beautiful family and has kept it near him all his life and now that I have finally found what I like to do, I can understand the true meaning of his words. I can spend hours editing a photo, designing a webpage or writing about something I’m really passionate about and not even for a second, feel like it’s work, it’s simply what I love to do.

I hope that when the time comes, I can be able to transmit this concept to my kids so they can spend their lives doing what they love and what they are passionate about. Because when you really love doing something, you’ll spend hours doing it and will be enthusiastic about it and above all, you’ll have that tenacity and drive to always be better at it and inevitably all this effort will be transformed into success, not only in a professional way but also in a personal one.

Going back to photography, I think it’s amazing all the moments, expressions, flavors and sensations you can capture with the lens of a camera. A photo can show thousands of feelings and emotions. And you don’t have to take tons of lessons or spend a huge amount of money in equipment to take a great picture, what you actually need is to have that “feeling” behind the lens to know exactly what moment you want to capture forever.

Here are some of my photographs:

Today I wanted to share with you a book that I discovered some time ago that lets you learn the basics of photography in a very simple way. The book is called “Read this if you want to take better photographs” and was written by Henry Carroll; a photographer writer and founder of FRUI, a company that offers photography lessons and tours. His book has sold more than 100,000 copies and has been translated to eleven languages.

I really think that if you don’t have the time or money to take photography lessons, this book is a great option. On top of all the theoretical information, the book offers a lot of practical exercises with examples of more than 50 renowned photographers that will help you discover little by little the photographer you have inside. I invite you to dust off those cameras and to go take some pictures!

Good luck and email me at yomarianablog@yahoo.com

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For more information on the book click here:

“Read This If You Want To Take Better Photographs” by Henry Carroll