The Beginning of a New Journey.

Photo by Paulina Macouzet Photography

I'll start this story with total and absolute honesty. It had been a while since I last received a surprise but let me tell you that the email I got from Lee Brochstein and Faith Whittier will definitely be kept in my books as one of the biggest ones I've ever received.

I opened my email one morning to find a very flattering invitation to be a speaker and share my story with other women in a conference at the Health Museum of Houston. As I excitedly scrolled down and kept reading, I stumbled upon the theme of the conference, which was - "Menopause and Midlife". Well, let's just say that a very loud and nervous laugh exploded out of my mouth. "I don't think I'm the perfect candidate for this, I'm only 41 years old", I thought at first without realizing that of course I was, because whether I like it or not, I'm at the starting line of my midlife. So after talking with them over the phone, I immediately said yes.

There are not enough words to show my gratitude to Lee and Faith, not only for giving me the honor and wonderful opportunity to be part of this conference but also for putting me face to face with a reality that as a women I have to confront. And that reality means I have to accept the fact that I'm starting this journey called midlife. And as for any other trip, I need to be prepared for it and I have to fill my bags with information, knowledge and above everything else, I need the support from a network of women who are on this journey as well.

If after reading this, you too realize that you’re starting your midlife or if you simply want to learn more about this subject, join us on May 7th at the Health Museum of Houston for the conference M Life! - The Expo about Modern Midlife.

At this conference, you'll have the opportunity to listen to some of the best Doctors, Therapists, Holistic and Health & Wellness specialists in Houston.

I’ll be honored to share the stage with Patricia Gras on a panel called "Moments of Truth at Midlife." Patricia is an American and Argentinian journalist with an incredible broadcasting career who has even won several Emmys along her professional path.

In this link, you'll find more information about the event and if you use the code YoMariana, you'll receive a special discount. Don't miss out on this wonderful event!